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All Subject Course Outcomes(CO)

Name of the Programme:Diploma programme in Computer Science and Engineering
Duration of the Programme: Three years(Six Semesters)
Entry Qualification : 10+ with Science and Mathematics(Not the elementary mathematics) or equivalent as prescribed by the Uttaranchal Board of Technical Education, Roorkee
Intake : 40
Pattern of the Programme :Semester System
Ratio between theory and Practical classes 50:50
Ecology and Environment : As per directives of Government of India, an awareness camp on Ecology and Environment has been incorporated during second semester.
Entrepreneurship Development : An Entrepreneurial Awareness Camp and a full subject on Entrepreneurship Development and Management has been incorporated in the Study Scheme.
Industrial Exposure : The Student will be exposed to industrial by organizing industrial visits and expert lectures by personnel from industry. The suggested industry oriented-practice based minor and major projects will enable the students to interact with relevant industries.
Discipline : 20 marks per semester have been kept for maintaining discipline which include punctuality, attendance behavior etc.

The Vision of the Computer Science & Engineering Department:

  • To empower the diploma-holders to be technologically adept, innovative, self-motivated and responsible citizens, possessing human values and contribute significantly towards being a center of excellence in providing globally standard education, through a conducive Teaching, that responds swiftly to the challenges of the ever changing world.

The Mission of the Computer Science & Engineering Department:

  • To achieve academic excellence by imparting in-depth knowledge to the students through effective pedagogies and hands on experience on latest tools and technologies.
  • To pursue interdisciplinary research that will serve the needs of the entire global community.
  • To prepare students to be continuous learners in a connected world and imbibe professional skills and ethical responsibilities in them.
  • To strengthen the Industry-Academia interface that will help the graduates to emerge as leaders in academics or an inspiring revolutionary in entrepreneurship

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

    The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of the Computer Science & Engineering Department are given below:

  • PEO1: To provide computer-based solutions to engineering problems.
  • PE02: To apply the knowledge of Computer Science & Engineering to solve problems of social relevance and/or pursue higher education.
  • PE03: Efficient team leaders, effective communicators and capable of working in multi-disciplinary environment following ethical values
  • PEO4: Engage in lifelong learning, career enhancement and adapt to changing professional and societal needs.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • PSO 1: Use state-of-the-art technologies for operation and application of computer software and hardware.
  • PSO 2: Maintain computer engineering related software and hardware systems.
  • PSO3: Professional Skills: Ability to communicate effectively, recognize.

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Program -
PO-01 Basic and discipline specific knowledge Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of Computer Science & Engineering.
PO-02 Problem Analysis demonstrate an ability to identify, formulate and solve Industrial, community problems
PO-03 Design/ development of solutions Design & Conduct Experiments, as well as Analyze &Interpret Data to meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO-04 Engineering tools, experimentation and Testing Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools in engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO-05+ Engineering practices for society Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO-06 Project Management: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO-07 Life-long learning Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage independent and Life-long learning.

Name of the Programme: Diploma programme in Electronics Engineering
Duration of the Programme: Three years(Six Semesters)
Entry Qualification : 10+ with Science and Mathematics(Not the elementary mathematics) or equivalent as perscribed by the Uttaranchal Board of Technical Education, Roorkee.
Intake : 40
Pattern of the Programme :Semester System
Ratio between theory and Practical classes 50:50
Ecology and Environment : As per directives of Government of India, an awareness camp on Ecology and Environment has been incorporated during second semester.
Entrepreneurship Development : An Entrepreneurial Awareness Camp and a full subject on Entrepreneurship Development and Management has been incorporated in the Study Scheme.
Industrial Exposure : The Student will be exposed to industial by orgnanizing industrial visits and expert lectures by personnel from industry. The suggested industry oriented-practice based minor and major projects will enable the students to interact with relecant industries.
Discipline : 20 marks per semester have been kept for maintaining discipline which include punctuality, attendance behaviour etc.


  • To empower the diploma-holders to be technologically adept, innovative, self-motivated and responsible citizens, possessing human values and contribute significantly towards being a center of excellence in providing globally standard education, through a conducive Teaching, that responds swiftly to the challenges of the ever changing world.


  • To achieve academic excellence by imparting in-depth knowledge to the students through effective pedagogies and hands on experience on latest tools and technologies.
  • To pursue interdisciplinary research that will serve the needs of the entire global community.
  • To prepare students to be continuous learners in a connected world and imbibe professional skills and ethical responsibilities in them.
  • To strengthen the Industry-Academia interface that will help the graduates to emerge as leaders in academics or an inspiring revolutionary in entrepreneurship

Program Educational Objective (PEOs)

    The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of the Electronics Engineering

    Department are given below:

  • PEO1: To provide computer-based solutions to engineering problems.
  • PE02: To apply the knowledge of Electronics Engineering to solve problems of social relevance and/or pursue higher education.
  • PE03: Efficient team leaders, effective communicators and capable of working in multi-disciplinary environment following ethical values
  • PEO4: Engage in lifelong learning, career enhancement and adapt to changing professional and societal needs.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • PSO 1: Use state-of-the-art technologies for operation and application of Electronics Engineering software and hardware.
  • PSO 2: Maintain Electronics Engineering related software and hardware systems.
  • PSO3: Professional Skills: Ability to communicate effectively, recognize.

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Program –
PO-01 Basic and discipline specific knowledge Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of Electronics Engineering
PO-02 Problem Analysis demonstrate an ability to identify, formulate and solve Industrial, community problems
PO-03 Design/ development of solutions Design & Conduct Experiments, as well as Analyze &Interpret Data to meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO-04 Engineering tools, experimentation and Testing Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools in engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO-05+ Engineering practices for society Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO-06 Project Management: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO-07 Life-long learning Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage independent and Life-long learning.